Wednesday, December 29, 2010
2010 Top 10 Lists
Join in with the fun if you would like.
List #1
My Top 10 Experiences of 2010:
10. Deeper Still
9. Learning the art and science of couponing
8. Knitting hats for the needy
7. Participating in my first 5K & 10K
6. Greg getting a new job after we up and move to GA for the first job
5. Kirsten getting potty trained
4. Finally closing on our house after 8 different closing attempts
3. Renovating the whole house before we could move in
2. Saints winning the Super Bowl
1. Meeting Kirk Cameron
List #2
My Top 10 Georgia Experiences of 2010:
10. Lenox Square on New Year's Day
9. The Pink Pig at Macy's during Christmas season
8. Driving myself for the the first time on I-20 and I-75 in Atlanta
7. Spending days with Kirsten at Centennial Park and surrounding areas...CNN Center, World of Coke, GA Aquarium, and Imagine It Children's Museum
6. Thanksgiving Day 5K
5. Race For the Cure through Atlantic Station and midtown Atlanta
4. Season passes to Whitewater
3. Braves games
2. Meeting 11 Alive's Weatherman Chesley McNeil
1. Running in the Peachtree Road Race
List #3
My Top 10 Favorite Places I Ate in Atlanta in 2010 (not saying they're all swanky, just good)
10. Sweet Tomatoes
9. Cheeseburger Bobby's
8. Olive Tree
7. Doc Green's
6. Fabiano's
5. Gumbeaux's
4. Maggiano's
3. Cheesecake Factory
2. Ted's Montana Grill
1. The Real Chow Baby
List #4
My Top 10 Favorite things about Atlanta that MS didn't offer:
10. Lots of TV shows and movies are filmed here
9. Lots of stars live here and you can sometimes catch them out and about
8. Any type of traveling entertainment comes to Atlanta
7. We have Pottery Barn and Crate & Barrel stores
6. Cheesecake Factory, The Real Chow Baby, Doc Green's, Cheeseburger Bobby's, Jim-N-Nicks, etc.
5. Coke Zero is served in almost every restaurant or fast food establishment and every vending machine
4. Dunkin' Donuts everywhere (cheaper coffee than Starbucks)
3. Chick-fil-A on every corner
2. Publix, Food Lyon, and Whole Foods grocery stores
1. 11 Alive News...not your normal newscast
List #5
My Top 10 Purchases of 2010:
10.Vanilla Coke Zero (tastes just like dessert)
9. Tuition/Enrollment to Kirsten's preschool (we're very satisfied)
8. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (it's really magic and it really erases practically anything)
7. My Coupon Buddy book (keeps my coupons organized...even if it's nerdy to you, it's saving lots of $$$$ for me)
6. My SPIbelt (this tiny belt with a tiny pocket that can hold my entire purse plus t/p and extra socks, and you can't even see it under my shirt)
5. My Polar F6 heart rate monitor (I've lost 30 lbs. since I started working out with it, and I shaved 5 min. off my 5K)
4. Deeper Still tickets
3. 2 piece removable shower head (I can get in the shower with Kirsten and bathe her without even getting myself wet)
2.. Blinds for our house
1. Our house
List # 6
(You actually thought I would leave this list out)
Top 10 Quotes from the Real Housewives of Atlanta:
10. "Close yo' legs to married men." -NeNe Leakes (to Kim Z.)
9. "Who's gone check me, Boo?" - Sheree Whitfield (to her event planner)
8. "I just want to bring my girls up with the same morals and values that I have."-Kim Zolciak
7. "Kim, I'm weirded out that you think you can sing, I'm weirded out that you wear a wig, and I'm weirded out that you're in a relationship with a married man." -Cynthia Bailey
6. "Phaedra's baby shower was boughetto!" -Kandi Burruss
5. "*%#*# don't know when she got knocked up?" - Sheree Whitfield (about Phaedra's pregnancy)
4. "So I've made us this friend contract..." -Cynthia Bailey (to NeNe Leakes)
3. "Now I think I'm ready to do film." -Sheree Whitfield (after her 1st time acting in community theater)
2. "I guess he was in prison for six years. Maybe he murdered somebody... six years is a long time." -Kim Zolciak (about Phaedra's husband, Apollo)
1. "Just because you stripped out of a nurses costume at the Cheetah Club, does not qualify you to be a registered nurse, baby." - Phaedra Parks (about Kim Zolciak, claiming she was a nurse)
List #7
Top 10 People I'd Like to Have Lunch with:
10. Donny Deutsch
9. Ann Curry
8. NeNe Leakes
7. Dave Ramsey
6. Sarah Palin
5. Beth Moore
4. Tyler Perry
3. Hoda Kotb
2. Mandisa
1. Gina Neely
List #8
Top 10 Ways to Serve Chicken:
10. Chicken Teriyaki
9. Chicken and Rice
8. Chicken Rotel
7. Chicken Taco Soup
6. Chicken Strips
5. Chicken-N-Dumplins
4. Buffalo Chicken
3. Engagement Chicken (soaked in lemon juice and pepper)
2. Mexican Chicken
1. Chicken Parmesan
List #9
Top 10 TV Moments of 2010:
10. Simon Cowell's final appearance on American Idol
9. Conan O'Brien returns to late night TV
8. Bristol Palin makes it to the finals on Dancing With The Stars
7. Finale of Lost
6. New Kids on the Block and Back Street Boys make music history by singing together on AMA's
5. Patrick House from Brandon, MS wins The Biggest Loser
4. Betty White hosts SNL
3. University of Southern Mississippi's marching band, The Pride, performs in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
2. The miners from Chile are rescued
1. The Saints win the Super Bowl
List # 10
Top 10 List of Goals and Things I am looking forward to in 2011:
10. Get more comfortable driving on Atlanta's scary interstates
9. Getting fully moved in our house
8. Hoping we'll have or at least be expecting baby #2
7. Pay off credit cards
6. Get office set up, and kiln hooked up so I can get back to work
5. Go to Disney World
4. Studying, Jesus The One and Only Bible study with my girls
3. Catching up with some old friends
2. Kirsten will be participating in her first wedding as a flower girl
1. Celebrating 10 years with Greg
Hope you all have a Happy New Year. Be safe out there.
Monday, December 27, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Catching Up
We had the best time, but our stay was definitely too short.

Deeper Still:

Finally, to wrap up this post, I want to share with you about my hats. I've been trying to get some sort of ministry going with knitting hats for the needy, less fortunate, and/or sick. It's been a little tough trying to get others involved, but there are a few great women who have taken on the challenge. A few friends from Bible study and I made some hats for our church's Hope For Christmas event. We teamed up with a ministry that knits scarves for the less fortunate. I am hoping that our ministries working together on this project will end all discrimination that lies between the tops of our heads and our necks, and we can join together as one ministry. We want to keep America warm one top of the body at a time, or something like that. No, seriously, there is no greater blessing than being able to do something for someone that needs it. Also, this allows opportunities to share Jesus and His love with others.

Monday, November 1, 2010
We started off Friday night with Trunk-or-Treat at church.

Saturday night Kirsten met up with her partner in crime, Jacob Crane. It was only fitting the two of them went at Woody and Jessie.

Yesterday morning the kids got to wear their costumes to church. And last night, we concluded our celebrating with traditional Trick-or-Treating around the neighborhood with some friends.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Playing Bible Study

Hosting a Bible study has its perks. I sometimes get some leftover goodies from the ladies who bring the snacks. Kirsten gets excited about leftovers. One day, she told me she wants to have Bible study when she's a big girl. I told her she didn't have to wait till she was a big girl, we can have Bible Study anytime. So, now, our Tuesday ritual is to "play Bible Study". We"ll set out a couple of fold out chairs. Kirsten wears her name tag, and she eats leftovers on our flower Bible Study plates. We have our prayer time and pray for Daddy, Jacob, Luke, Erin, Tucker, Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Susan...same ones every time. Then she gives me the attention to share with her a little bit about Jesus. After we talk for about 3-5 minutes, she's ready to watch "the video". Right now, "the video" is Mickey Mouse clubhouse, but one day, I'll remember to put in Veggie Tales.
This week, I read Kirsten parts of Matthew 18, and we talked about how much Jesus loves little children. At this age, she's starting to understand and ask questions about God and Jesus. Her little mind is such a sponge and she learns things so fast. Her innocence and imagination melts my heart. I am so honored and blessed to be her mommy. I know God is going to use her in amazing ways. He already is.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Breaking Free
This is what I have learned about God and myself so far...
Captivity is anything that hinders the abundant and Spirit-filled life of a believer. This will keep us from discovering our purpose.
There is a huge difference in believing in God, and believing God
*Even though I believe God is who He says He is, and I believe He can do anything, do I believe He will do anything
I can believe that Jesus is my LORD and Savior, but do I believe He is my Redeemer and Deliverer?
*I can be a Christian and have my place in eternity sealed, but I may not allow myself to experience Jesus to the fullest.
God's glory is the way He makes Himself recognizable. This is His reflection. If the Holy Spirit doesn't dwell in us, we have nothing of God in us for Him to show. "We were created for the purpose of giving God's invisible character a glimpse of visibility."
God never sheds light on our weaknesses and failures to condemn us. He brings them to our attention so we can allow Him to work on these in us. This will set us free.
* What is hindering me from being everything God wants me to be?
God hates pride and arrogance. Pride is anything that is keeping us from having a God-glorifying attitude. Pride keeps us from growing. Pride is denial. Pride won't admit weaknesses. Pride deceives. Pride disguises itself in many ways. Pride is the opposite of humility. Pride is not only thinking highly of yourself...pride is also thinking lowly of yourself. Pride doesn't allow room for God in our hearts.
* Pride has to be my biggest stronghold. I see pride now for what it's what's keeping me from being totally honest with myself and God.
Be prayerful. Work on developing a deeper intimacy with God. Keep that line of communication open between us all the time. Pray without ceasing.
* Prayer isn't a chore, it's a privilege. God wants me to pray to Him with an honest heart. He doesn't care about the flowing cliches. He doesn't want to hear what I think He wants me to say. God just wants me to address Him humbly and honestly. He wants me to come to Him with my deepest concerns and hurts. Even if I am mad at Him, He wants me to know that I can come to Him with this. He already knows our hearts anyway, why can't we be honest enough with ourselves to be honest with Him?
Breaking Free is a study that's making me look at my fears and insecurities, and finding out how I got them. Then, it's showing me how to let God come in and not only fix these fears and insecurities, but fix what caused them in the first place.
So what's my biggest fear?
If I don't know you, my prideful answer would be:
extremely bad weather, nasty bugs and rodents, and coming face to face with a dreaded intruder
If I knew you and trusted there would be no judgement, I would have said being left alone with no support group or friends.
Now, I can honestly say that my biggest fear is, going through a very tough trial...something traumatic and life changing...and on the other side of it, when the healing begins, not learning what God wants me to learn from it.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Kirk Cameron

Friday, August 20, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Happy Birthday!

1. I love how he always knows how to put me in a good mood when I've had a bad day
2. I love how he leaves great first impressions
3. I love his smile
4. He's hilarious...he's got the best 1 liners
5. He's the smartest person in the world...really he is
6. He's awesome at putting people in their place, but doing it with truth and kindness
7. He sets such a great example
8. He loves his girls
9. He's a godly man...with strong faith
10. He looks fabulous in red
11. He helps me so much around the house and with Kirsten
12. Everyday he tells me he appreciates me and what I do for him and Kirsten
13. He never makes or expects me to do anything I don't want to do
14. He's motivating and inspiring
15. He'll watch teeny bopper shows with me
16. He likes my cooking
17. He works hard for our family
18. He puts up with a lot
19. He's patient
20. He smells great
21. He's so neat and clean
22. He's quite easy on the eyes
23. He's the type of man I want my daughter to date and marry
24. He's sincere
25. He's honest
26. He's a man with integrity
27. He doesn't gossip and he doesn't judge
28. He's a great leader
29. I love watching him play with Kirsten
30. He's not high maintenance
31. He's so much fun
32. He's my best friend
Happy Birthday, Greg! I hope it's great. LOVE YOU
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Week In Review

Friday, June 18, 2010
Kirsten has been asking for watermelon the last few days, and it was right in the front entrance of Publix....seedless, cut up and ready to eat. Since nothing gets past her, she decided she should have some then and there. Greg was working later than we expected, so Kirsten and I decided to treat ourselves to some. I told Kirsten she needed to call her Papaw and ask him to get her a watermelon for the 4th of July. He knows more about picking them out than me, and the ones he gets seem so much bigger than those in the grocery stores. Kirsten loves me telling her about Papaw's big watermelons.
After our long day yesterday, Kirsten crashed on the way home. It was past her bedtime and she was sleeping so soundly in the car. I was in the kitchen when I watched Greg bring her inside. I had a flashback of my dad carrying us in when we all would fall asleep in the car. It's so funny how dads can carry their children with one arm while the other one is used to carry bags and other things. I have a hard time holding Kirsten and my keys at the same time with both arms. Dads have this gift of getting the kids out of the car, putting them in the bed, taking their shoes off and kissing them goodnight without the kids even noticing they've moved. Then it comes....the dreaded decision of whether you wake the sleeping child to bathe them because they are filthy, or do you wait till morning. Of course, this comes with the hope that they'll sleep all night and not realize they've been put to bed with their play clothes on instead of those cute pj's. This decision seems so honestly determines the rest of your evening and perhaps whether or not the parents will get a good night's sleep.
I couldn't help but wonder how many times my parents had to make that decision, and how many times they regretted the decision they chose. With 3 kids did they ever get it right or did this sweet memory of mine cause them many not so sweet memories of sleepless nights? Daddies are pretty special. I am blessed to have 2 great daddies to celebrate for Father's Day...mine and my baby's.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Kirsten's B'day weekend

Sunday night, we set up Kirsten's slip n' slide. It was so funny, the other kids in the neighborhood ranging from 7-12 saw my 3 yr. old and her 18 month old cousin playing on the slip n' slide, and wanted in on the action