Friday, December 30, 2011
Getting ready for 2012
Short story about Christmas with my family.....My mom gave all of us pj's and slippers this year. Most of the time when she buys our gifts, she'll give Andrea, Hayley and me gifts that are the same, or very similar with the same idea. She does the same for Jonathan and Greg. This year, she gave Hayley and me matching pj's. They're really cute too. Well, my dad wasn't aware my mom gave us pj's or what they looked like. He bought her a pair, and when she opened them she saw they were the same as ours. So, of course, we had to take a pic of the 3 of us wearing our pj's. I'll insert it as soon as I figure out how to put it on here from my phone :).
Christmas was full of good times, great blessings, and yummy food....way way way too much yummy food.
The New Year is around the corner, and it's time for the list of resolutions. I've been thinking about this for a while and I wanted to try to look deeper than the typical lose weight, eat better, etc. Those are always given resolutions.
Before I write my list, I want to take a look back at my 2011 resolutions and give an update on how those turned out....
Top 10 List of Goals and Things I am looking forward to in 2011:
10. Get more comfortable driving on Atlanta's scary interstates
(doing good with that, Yay me!)
9. Getting fully moved in our house
(still working on it but definitely much closer than this time last year)
8. Hoping we'll have or at least be expecting baby #2
(praying about this....much medical drama with this situation this year)
7. Pay off credit cards
(not fully out of debt yet, but much much closer, and we have a plan that works)
6. Get office set up, and kiln hooked up so I can get back to work
(office is set up, and I sold the kiln...will get back into that later)
5. Go to Disney World
(done...we went in Sept.)
4. Studying, Jesus The One and Only Bible study with my girls
(done...great study and met some great new friends)
3. Catching up with some old friends
(done...took a couple of long trips to MS to catch up, and some came to Atlanta this summer)
2. Kirsten will be participating in her first wedding as a flower girl
(Unfortunately, we weren't in the position for Kirsten to be able to participate in the wedding. It was a sad, hard, and disappointing decision we had to make due to lack of finances and the expenses of traveling.)
1. Celebrating 10 years with Greg
(done...we didn't do much to celebrate since our anniversary fell on the first day of school and first day of Kirsten's dance class. We did have a small date that day. No gifts or cards were exchanged...but we went to Disney a month later, so that was our gift to each other.)
2012 Resolutions:
1. I will do my best to serve healthier food options to Greg and Kirsten. I eat a lot healthier than I used to, but I don't enforce these practices on them. I make things that are fast and easy, and with that comes processed foods with no nutritional value. I'll substitute the hamburger helper with veggies and fruit.
2. Work towards participating in a 1/2 marathon. Before Thanksgiving I made it up to 10 miles, but I hurt my knee. I hope it won't take me long to get back to that point and go further.
3. Get better with my thank you notes. This past year I really dropped the ball with my thank you notes. I want to get back on track with these.
4. Make an effort to be kinder to others. I don't mean being nicer, I mean being kinder. "Anyone can be nice, but it takes sincerity to be kind." (Beth Moore)
5. Get deeper into the Word. I do the Bible Studies and the homework, but I want to learn more, and go deeper.
6. Learn to sew.
7. Master my scroll saw and jig saw.
8. Keep in better touch with my MS peeps.
9. Catch up on the scrapbooks I have to do for Kirsten.
10. Practice counting my blessings every day.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Crazy Fun Weekend
A shout out to my mom for participating in her 1st 5K. Not bad for a woman of her seasoning....let's just put it this way, if she isn't in Court on Tuesdays, you'll find her at Belk shopping with her discount. We were all ok with our finish times. Greg finished in 30:09. I finished in 36:03 and my mom was around 49 min. Hayley assured me that MC was a Hill free campus, but I beg to differ. It's not Peachtree Road, but it has it's inclines.
After the 5K we rushed back to Benton to get ready for Southern Miss' Homecoming. Our good friends Darren and Tracy Short and their kids went with us. I hate we didn't get to do the usual tailgating scene but we still had fun showing them around the campus. I have no doubt where Cole and Halle will be furthering their education in a few years. We consumed an uncountable amount of delicious calories at Crescent City Grill and topped everything off with some New Orleans bread pudding, formerly known as Jack Daniels bread pudding. If I was in the position to tell some officers what I wanted for my last meal, New Orleans bread pudding would make the list. (probably only 2 doz. eggs in one serving)
Greg and Darren stayed for the game while Tracy and I brought the kids back. Because I can't come to MS without getting Bop's, Tracy stopped for me. Still so great....sugar free chocolate shake with a spoonful of peanut butter. We had a great time talking sweet about our men and our dreams. Hers of course is to pack up her family and move to Atlanta....the land of opportunity :).
Sunday we slept in. This is unusual for us. My mom got Newk's sandwich trays for lunch while also making taco soup. Jonathan, Andrea and the boys came over, as well as Hayley. It was great to have family time, even though it was so short. Hopefully we'll get more time at Thanksgiving.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
2 Month Run Down

For our 10 yr. anniversary we went to Disney World. We decided to wait and go in September because there are no lines, great weather, and it's a lot less expensive. My mom hooked us up with a sweet resort from her timeshare. Even though it wasn't on property, it was so nice to have 2 bedrooms, a full kitchen, a washer and dryer, balcony, and a jacuzzi tub in our bedroom...not our bathroom, our bedroom. We had a huge shower in the bathroom. The resort had 2 gigantic with a mini water park and the other with an indoor/outdoor option, hot tubs, zen area and dive in movies. Greg and I would only be able to stay in places like this with my mom's timeshare, so we were grateful for her generosity.

We realized how much we missed working at Disney when we met up with Kevin. It was so great seeing him again and meeting his wife. I miss the discounts, the parking, and the shortcuts through the parks. Kevin did take us to Property Control so we got some goodies. But, since we aren't cast members anymore we couldn't go to "the back of the store". :( We ran into one of the trainers from the store where Greg used to work. She still works for Disney, but she works in one of the HR depts now. We spent the entire safari ride at Animal Kingdom figuring out our strategy to get some real jobs with Disney and move back to Orlando. So worth it for the perks alone.

The weekend after we got back from Disney, my brother, sister in law and nephews came to see us. We had a great time catching up and showing off our new ghetto/retro kitchen. Greg and Jonathan went to the MSU/UGA football game while Andrea and I took the kids to Chick-fil-A and the Children's Museum. We dined at the finest dining establishments in Atlanta ... Cheeseburger Bobby's and Chow Baby. Good times.
Greg had to go to Chicago last week, and Kirsten and I had some much needed girl time. We did makeovers, watched princess movies, had tea parties, and went to Stevie B's.
Allison flew in to see me last weekend. That was fun. Greg had to work all weekend so Allison, Kirsten and I had girl time all over town. We went to Bumblebee Bakery for cupcakes and Cheeseburger Bobby's for dinner. We all went to church Sunday since Allison really digs West Ridge. We wanted to catch a word and James Griffin leading worship. So good. We spent Sunday afternoon at home reading tabloid magazines and watching tv, while cooking taco soup in the crock pot. It's been a while since I've had the chance to sit and chill on a Sunday afternoon. It was glorious.
I didn't take really take any pictures while my brother and Allison were in town. I really need to get better about that. I took hundreds of pictures on the Disney trip, but I didn't think about taking pictures while I had guests in town. I'll just have to do better next time.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Loving Difficult People , A New Perspective
Honestly, I just thought that for some reason, God didn't want me to have great relationships with the difficult people in my life. I prayed for years to have closer relationships with these people. As I grew impatient, and as matters seemed to get worse instead of better, I prayed for God to just help us get along with each other. I even went as far as confronting the people and explained that certain things they did hurt me. I offered my apologies to things I may have done that causes them to treat me the way they do, but this would just add fuel to their fire.
I then approached the situation with constant prayers for strength to offer forgiveness, whether they wanted it or not. I knew forgiveness couldn't be the end, because it didn't seem to leave me fulfilled. Satisfied, maybe, but not fulfilled. I would pray with wonder if I actually did forgive, because the matters seemed to get more and more challenging.
After this message, I realize that I have the ability to love, because God first loved me. Therefore, my love tank is filled from having His approval, not theirs. I can still offer them love without receiving it. I may never receive it. My only job is to love them. God will handle the rest. I need to find my peace in that.
I think that I saw things from the perspective of, "If you are nice to them, they'll be nice to you." This isn't always true. This is not what God means when he says to love the unlovely. He offers no promises that they'll love back. It's selfish of me to assume this. Instead, God tells me that He'll love me no matter how much I love them. BUT, if I don't love them, regardless of their response, I will not look like Him. He will not be seen through me. Basically, this isn't a mission to gain approval from these difficult people anymore. I already feel like a load of work is lifted off. It takes the chore of trying so hard out of it. I can be me, and just choose to love them. This opens the opportunity for God to work through me. He'll do all the work.
Here are the links to parts 2-6 of this message.
Monday, August 8, 2011
WOW 10 Years!

I can't believe Greg and I have been married 10 years. Time flies. I've invited Greg to join me in writing this post since this is a celebration we share equally. Our marriage has definitely had its ups and downs, but mostly it's on the upswing. I am so blessed to have such a great man for my partner. He is the greatest gift I could ever have on earth. I believe this celebration calls for some lists in honor of 10 years. This is what we've come up with.
Top 10 things that make our marriage work:
10. Know each others' sensitivities and honor them.
9. Learn each others' love language and practice it.
8. Never talk about each other in a negative way to others.
7. Build each other up. Compliment each other.
6. Say good things about each other to others. Especially those that irritate each other.
5. Leave family drama with the family, and move away. Keep extended family time to a minimum to avoid the drama. This is Biblical.
4. COMMUNICATE with each other. Never keep secrets.
3. Make time for each other/date nights.
2. Be true friends and speak TRUTH to each other, no matter if it's hard to hear.
1. Have God as the center of your relationship.
Top 10 Hardest things we've dealt with the past 10 years.
10. Living together. We went from seeing each other once a week to living together.
9. Unemployment off and on.
8. Changing careers.
7. Fertility issues.
6. A huge move.
5. Living apart for 3 months.
4. Becoming parents and balancing that with time with each other.
3. Selling our house in a bad economy.
2. Finances / getting out of debt.
1. In laws/families
Top 10 Things I LOVE about being married.
10. The partnership.
9. Making decisions together.
8. Unchaperoned snuggles on the couch.
7. It feels like we're playing house.
6. Waking up every morning to each other.
5. Coffee in bed with each other before Kirsten wakes up.
4. Kirsten snuggling in bed with us on Sat. mornings to watch cartoons and discuss the day.
3. Parenthood and everything with it.
2. Being each others' wing man/wing woman. When we want out of something we use the other person as an excuse to not do it...oops, just gave away our secret
1. Each others' company.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Happy Birthday, Greg!

My most favorite guy in the world has a birthday tomorrow! Since we'll be out celebrating tomorrow, I am going to post my tribute to Greg today.
Top 33 Things I love about Greg!
33. He's the smartest guy I know.
32. He's brilliant.
31. He's the sweetest guy I know.
30. He's considerate of others.
29. He has integrity. I don't know many people I can say that about these days.
28. He's completely independent. Has been as long as I've known him...since he was 18.
27. He doesn't take advantage of people, and feels strongly against doing such.
26. He is an amazing person.
25. He treats me like a queen.
24. He treats Kirsten like a princess.
23. He's a great listener.
22. He's very patient.
21. He's slow to anger.
20. He doesn't talk about people or gossip.
19. He is compassionate.
18. He'll do anything to help out anyone.
17. He has his priorities straight.
16. He's not a pushover.
15. He takes care of himself.
14. He's fun.
13. He's hilarious.
12. He's a hard worker.
11. He's not lazy.
10. He's got extremely strong faith.
9. He's adorable.
8. He's got a great smile.
7. He smells good.
6. He looks cute in anything.
5. He's got my back if I encounter an issue with a "difficult person."
4. He's not someone to mess with.
3. He will never put you down or make you feel dumb for not knowing computer stuff.
2. I love how he calls out big talkers without making it obvious.
1. He's got a huge heart.
Happy 33rd Birthday, Greg. I hope it's great! Love you.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Loving Difficult People
It's 1 of 6. Like everyone else, I have some "difficult people" to love in my life. I have prayed for years for God to allow the relationships I have with these people to be easier to deal with. I have 3 difficult people in my life that at times seem to take turns poking me with their thorns. I know everyone has those difficult people they deal with. This message gave me some insight into what I can do to try to learn to not only deal with them, but with God's grace, learn to love them. It's easy to love those who love us back. But it's quite a challenge to love those who don't care for us. I am choosing to face the challenge in obedience and allow God to work on me so He can work through me.
My notes from the message:
1- Change my attitude about the situations
2- Remain in prayer, but take my pride out of it
3- Realize that God's got His hand in this and He's got a plan
These are small steps, but I think they are some that I could go on and try to achieve.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
From Then Till Now

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Kirsten's Turning 4!

As we all know we can't celebrate or recognize any type of occasion worthy of mentioning without some lists. So, in honor of Kirsten's 4th birthday I want to share some lists of things that showcase my child and my adoration towards her.
Top 4 Kirsten-isms of age 3:
4. Me: "Kirsten, you know you are so stinking cute."
Kirsten: "No I'm not, Mommy. I just took a bath."
3. Kirsten: "My Daddy's favorite drink is Mountain Goo"
2. Kirsten: "I have 2 Gwamaws and 2 Pawpaws. I have a Big Gwamaw, and a Little Gwamaw, and a Big Pawpaw, and a Little Pawpaw."
1. Kirsten: "Mommy when I was a baby was I in your tummy?"
Me: "Yes, Kirsten you were."
Kirsten: "How did I get there? Did you eat me?"
Me: "Haha, No Baby, God put you in there."
Kirsten: "Oh....Did God eat me?"
My top 4 things I love about Kirsten:
4. She's the perfect mix of Greg and me. She carries the genes of our strongest qualities. She's great at problem solving like Greg, and she gets her creativity from me.
3. She's so sweet to other kids. She goes out of her way to speak to everyone and she does her best to include kids if she notices them not being included.
2. She is the most observant person I have ever known. Her observance is better than some of the smartest adults I've ever met. She has a photographic memory, I just know it. I don't say this as bragging about my child. This is nothing I could have ever taught her. She just has this observant memory that amazes me.
1. She's such a prissy, girly girl. She loves the mall. She loves to shop and try on dresses. She loves to cook with me, and pick flowers. She loves to dress up and have tea parties. I could not have hand picked a more awesome child.
I'm so honored to be her Mommy.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Mother's Day

After church, I exercised my right to forgo lunch since I was still stuffed from The Real Chow Baby dinner, and I couldn't wait on my surprise Greg had for me. We pulled up at The Avenues and I thought for sure he had scheduled us to take one of those awkward family portraits with the backgrounds from the 70's and everyone seems to be sitting in front of each other. I was pleased, no I was ecstatic, to find out he had scheduled Kirsten and me appointments at Parisians. We were both going to get mani/pedi's. Kirsten walked right up to the wall of colors and chose her color right off and I chose lavender for me. She was all about this until she saw the pedicure chair and foot bath, then she freaked out. So, I opted for the hour long pedicure with some fancy sounding scrub and oil treatment. I haven't had a pedicure in years, and it was due time. I love my man. I do wish Kirsten would have joined in the fun, but I think she was just tired from Sat.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
What's On Your Mind?
Lots of areas in our study have really triggered my curiosity. For instance, the story of Judas Iscariot. Judas was one of Jesus' 12 disciples. Jesus chose these 12 men to be His followers. They ate with Jesus, stayed with Jesus, studied with Jesus, walked with Jesus, prayed with Jesus, and journeyed with Jesus. Jesus actually had many more disciples, but these 12 were the ones that dwelled with Him. These disciples were like family to Jesus. In fact, Jesus calls them His mother and brothers in Matthew.
Judas was the disciple that handled all the finances. He was a tax collector so he had a love for money. He loved money more than he loved Jesus. Judas did not have a genuine relationship with Christ, therefore his heart wasn't guarded against Satan. The Bible says that Satan entered Judas. Judas sold Jesus out for money. This is sort of ironic considering that Judas heard Jesus' sermon on the mount where He explained that the love of money is the root to all evil. This betrayal happened to fulfill prophesy, so Jesus was aware of what Judas was going to do to Him.
The question that rang in my head was this....Since Jesus knew Judas was going to betray Him, did it still hurt? I wondered this because Jesus experienced all types of emotions and temptations that we as humans face. This was in order for us to learn by His example how to handle these situations. Betrayal is awful. Especially, if it's from someone we consider family. It seems like knowing the betrayal was coming would make it less painful.
Call me a dingbat, but I always associated the betrayal towards Jesus with Peter. This was a type of betrayal, but Jesus knew Peter's heart, and He knew Peter often acted out of impulse. Jesus also knew Peter's denial would be a part of Peter's story, and eventually be used to God's glory. Jesus even tells Peter that "He prayed for Peter's faith to not fail, and when Peter turns back around He is to strengthen his brothers." I can't think of anything more encouraging I could hear from Jesus when I know my sins have disappointed Him. The Bible reveals Peter's heart to Jesus when it says that as soon as Peter realized he denied Christ he ran outside and wept bitterly.
Now, back to Judas. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. With an act of affection. With a symbol of love. Could it be any worse? I can't see anything but pure evil portrayed here. How could someone hate somebody so much as to act like a part of his family, then turn the person over to the enemy who would later kill Him? And, do all this while kissing His cheek? Remember, Jesus did nothing wrong. He was innocent. What causes such a heartless act other than pure evil?
So, was it painful for Jesus to be betrayed even if He knew it was going to happen? I have to believe the answer is yes. Was it less painful since Jesus knew? I really don't think so. I truly believed in Jesus' heart He wanted to fulfill God's will. But I also know that on the Mount of Olives, Jesus prayed 3 times to God asking Him to remove the cup from Him. I believe Jesus hoped Judas wouldn't betray Him. Maybe for the sake of God finding another way. Maybe for the sake of Judas not spending his eternity in hell.
We live in a fallen world and we've all experienced betrayal. Some of us have experienced betrayal by family and those we consider family. We may even expect the betrayal to happen, but we always hope it won't. Then when it does, does it hurt any less? Maybe to those who have hardened their hearts. But we aren't called to harden our hearts. We're called to have hearts after God's heart. This would be to have the things that hurt God, hurt us. I find comfort in knowing that if I face times of betrayal God sees my hurt, and it hurts Him that I am hurt.
Jesus was all-knowing about His betrayal, and He treated Judas no differently than He treated His other disciples. He broke bread with Judas. He even washed Judas' feet. How humbling that was for me to grasp. May we all pray and accept God's strength to show such love to those who hurt us. This is what we're called to do as Christ followers.
Another deep thought I've had is this...I know when Christians pass away, we go to Heaven and God gives us new and transformed bodies. What if this is figurative and not so much literal? We are told that when we go to Heaven we become Christ-like. The lame will walk, and we'll have bodies of strength. What if we don't necessarily have that body we dream of, we just see it that way? Since we'll be Christ-like, will we see things as Christ does? If so, will we see ourselves as Christ sees us? He sees us as beautiful. He doesn't see our flaws the way we do. We are God's workmanship. What if we were able to see ourselves that way, and others too? If this is how we see ourselves in heaven, there really won't be a need for a total body transformation, right? What if the beauty we hold inside, becomes exactly who we are? If so, I know some amazingly beautiful people, and their beauty would blind us on earth. Maybe God saves this for when He makes the blind to see.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Personalized Blessings
1- My Mom, my Aunt Lynn, and my cousin Ashley came in a couple of weekends ago to shop for Ashley's wedding. We had the best time with each other. Greg had to work all weekend, so Kirsten and I got to spend time with just the girls. Kirsten really enjoyed shopping and spending time with everyone. The fact that my family took the effort and time to take off of work and drive such a long way to come see us was blessing enough. They introduced and treated us to some new restaurants and wonderful meals. I never expected such generosity from all of them not only for me, but Kirsten and Greg as well. When I stopped for gas, my Mom payed for my gas, and my Aunt gave Kirsten a gift of adorable Croc shoes. So sweet, and so generous. Thanks again, you two for your kindness and generosity. I look forward to returning the blessing one day.
2- Kirsten and I were pretty sick last week. I took Kirsten to the doctor, which would normally cost $20. No big deal, I'd rather pay $20 now to get her well, than pay hundreds later for lung X-rays and lab tests. When it was time to check out and pay, the doctor's office told me I had a credit there, and I owed them nothing. $20 Blessing.
3- I left the doctor's office with a Rx for Kirsten's nebulizer medication. Every other time I've had to fill this Rx it's cost me $80 with my insurance. This time it was $15. So this sickness only cost me $15, and she'll be stocked up with breathing treatments for at least a year. $65 Blessing.
4- Kirsten needed new sandals and dress shoes. I budgeted this to be around $50. I found her the cutest pair of sandals at Gymboree from last season for $5. Then, I found an even cuter pair of dress shoes for $25. I figured I would pay that since I got the sandals so cheap, and it was still in the budget. I went to pay and the shoes rang up for $10. Not only were her shoes inexpensive, they are new and stylin'. $35 Blessing.
5- As you know, I am obsessed with Special K and Peter Pan PB. I was down to my last jar of Peter Pan, and about to stress. Really, I was. Publix happened to have it on sale BOGO free last week. I got 12 jars for $12. Kirsten told the lady at check out, "My mommy loves peanut butter, but only Peter Pan." Special K is on sale this week at Target for $2.50, and I have coupons. Special K has been on sale 3 times this year, and usually, it's only on sale in Jan. Extra Blessing.
6- Greg received a promotion a few weeks ago. He's only been at this job since August. He's the smartest, kindest, hardest working guy there is. Not to mention, he's got a great smile, he's funny, charming, and looks hot in his business casual, which I'm sure had a little to do with it :). God chose to bless him with this promotion right now, instead of his yearly review or possibly never. Leaving his previous job was a big decision, and not the easiest choice to make. We've had to make a lot of adjustments from this transition of jobs, but Greg's confident this is where he's supposed to be. This new employer has allowed Greg to go in to work later, so he's able to take Kirsten to school in the mornings. He's allowed to work from home if necessary, so when Mommy's sick, Mommy has some help now. They are also pretty "pro-family", so when Kirsten has parties or programs at school, her Daddy can be there. Blessing after Blessing.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
It's Been A While
Kirsten and I took our first girls only road trip to MS during her Winter break. No boys allowed! J/K, Greg had to work. I would have loved for him to join us, but he felt like keeping his job was a little bit more important than making a 6 hr. drive, one way, to get a splenda chocolate peanut butter shake from Bops. However, he second guessed himself when I texted him pictures of Kirsten and me devouring our Bops. Kirsten and I spent time with my friend Allison for a couple of days, then we went to Benton and stayed with my parents for the rest of our trip. We spent some qt with my parents, siblings and nephews which was long overdue. We planned on staying longer but Kirsten got sick so we came back to GA.
I've been pretty religious about my workouts. I'm not necessarily losing a ton of weight or anything, but it's about the only thing I can really do for myself, and it's the only time I have to myself. I go to the gym almost everyday while Kirsten's in preschool. It feels good to have the people at the gym know me by name when I walk in, and give me pats on the back as I work out. When I leave they always say stuff like, "you are doing such a great job," and "I see you working hard in there"...makes me feel good. Every girl likes encouragement, especially if it involves exercise.
Greg and I have made a commitment to tackle our debt once and for all. We've had our "I've had enough moment." We realized how much we can do or accomplish if we get rid of our debt and use the money we use to pay off credit cards for other things. We want to be like "The Secret Millionaire", only we aren't millionaires. We started a plan through our church called, "I Was Broke, Now I'm Not." The guy that started this ministry, Joe Sangl, came to our church and packed the house when he spoke. He's awesome, his outlook is awesome and his plan is awesome. Everything is Scripture based and he, along with his story, is such a testimony. Greg and I are so fired up about this. Many haven't taken the news well that we are starting to focus our finances towards supporting our future and paying off our debts. I didn't realize how uncouth it was to not want to have debt anymore. Not only is it uncouth to work on getting out of debt, it's uncouth to live within your means. Seriously, we've gotten so many opinions on how wrong we are to say "no" to things we can't pay for with cash. I guess things are better when they really cost 2 or 3 times more with accrued interest. That's a lie I've bought into long enough. I know we'll face many trials with this process and season, and I know there's going to be some sacrifices. I just pray for mercy and protection as we take these steps towards obedience. We'll have keep our eyes focused on blessing others later.
Time for Opinionated Wednesday.....
1- "Why don't you just....?" - This will be the title of my first book. A pet peeve of mine is when you start to talk to someone, and no matter if you are stating something just to talk, or you dealt with an issue, the person will respond with..."Why don't you just....?" I would so much rather the person say, "Would you like my advice?" At least that way, I feel like I asked for it, or like I gave you permission to give me your opinion.
2- Right now on American Idol I like Lauren Alaina from GA, and Pia Toscano. I am so over that Scotty guy. He bears a strong resemblance to Howdy Doody and he was horrible with The River. It's time for him to go home.
3- I saw on the Today Show today that there's a condition called Shopping Bulimia. Really? This is a condition where someone repeatedly buys things and returns them just to do it. Ok...Today Show, this is far more devastating than the natural disaster in Japan. Come on, the things that get coverage these days.
Keep Japan and the Japanese, along with what's to come, in your prayers.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Soap Box Opinions
Here are this week's opinion based no particular order:
1) Christina Aguilera forgetting the words to the National Anthem.
Yes, she should know the words, it's only the citizen thing to do. BUT who says she doesn't? She may have just had one of those mom moments. Her kid may have just fell and busted his head open as she was walking on the field. She may have just received devastating news. OR she may have caught a glimpse of her soon to be ex-husband making out with some skank. Anything could have triggered a lapse of memory. Honestly, if we all didn't know the words we would never have noticed. She still sang her face off and never stopped. I can only think of 2 other women that could have held a candle to her performance, mess up or not. One, Leah Michelle who was already singing America the Beautiful, and the other, Mandisa, who was either on tour or they didn't want her up there because she's a Christian Artist.
2) With that said, I am a perfectionist when it comes to knowing your words. An honest mistake is one thing, everyone has those moments. Lack of preparation is another. I find lack of preparation unacceptable and inexcusable. I have seen Faith Hill in concert 3 or 4 times and she NEVER remembers her words. That's just ridiculous. She's gorgeous, she sings great, but she suffers amnesia every time I've seen her perform.
3) Did Lindsey Lohan steal the necklace? At first I didn't even care, but after I saw it on every headline and every newscast I started to form an opinion. I think she did. Her and her publicist's story has changed more times than a 13 yr. old girl picking out her school picture outfit. She's always in some kind of trouble, and she thinks she shouldn't have to pay for her crimes. She's screaming for attention and she's apparently got issues. Lindsey needs some Jesus...let's keep her in our prayers, seriously.
4) Facebook games....Playing a game here and there for entertainment is one thing...but when it's the only thing on your profile, that's another. I can't stand getting on facebook and being told who did what in farmville, or cityville, or mafia wars, or whatever. Please, if you have time for this, you have time to do something getting out and making a difference somewhere. Start a blog talking about your opinions :) If playing these games interferes with quality time with friends, family or loved ones, you have a problem. Please, seek help....somewhere other than facebook.
5) SOME republican voters behavior. I voted republican. But, I am not going to put ugly things about the president all over my car. I'm not going to go to where he's speaking and scream out profanity to him just to have my voice heard in congress. Will this kind of behavior make anyone who sees or hears this change their minds on the president? Will they read that bumper sticker and go, "You know I never thought of Obama that way, but now that someone stated it with a curse word, I completely change my mind"? Or, "you know if I vote Bristol Palin to the finals of dancing with the stars even though she can't dance, I'll show those democrats. Having her in the finals will really make them wish they didn't put Obama in office." Really republicans? Can't we just be smart and mature about this? If we stop acting like we're 5, and just sit back, the democrats will hang themselves. All the money and education in the world can't top common sense and Christian values. However, I question the Christian values of the republicans right now. I know you don't have to be a Christian to be republican or democrat, and you don't have to be republican to be a Christian. No matter what political party you claim to be a part of, don't claim to be a Christian if you aren't or you aren't willing to act like one. I don't have to agree with Obama or his ways. I do have to see him as a person, as one of God's creations. He's created in the same image I am. God sees Obama through the same loving eyes He sees me and you through. Obama may be an unbelieving leader that claims to be a Christian. Obama may be a Christian that has gone off the straight and narrow path. He's still a human being. He's a husband and a daddy. I would hate to be the wife of the president and think that some rednecks were plotting to come attack my husband, or some idiots were devising a plan to attack my daddy. It's more than getting revenge, it's destroying lives of those that are innocent.
That's it for now. Let me know your comments and opinions. I may be opinionated, but I am also open for discussion.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sweet Treats

This is my other favorite thing to eat...Special K Chocolatey Delight. So yummy, and it's better for you than a bowl of ice cream. I know, I need to add more fruit and veggies to my diet. It's not that I don't like fruits and veggies, I just like peanut butter (only peter pan) and Special K (only vanilla and chocolatey delight) better.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Snow Days
So, it's about 3 weeks in to 2011 and a lot has happened. We had our first snow/ice/winter storm of the year. Last week, and all of Atlanta was "snowed in" pretty much the whole week. Kirsten's school was closed and Greg had to work from home all week.
Our neighborhood had a pantry party Tuesday night. We all put the food we had to offer into a huge meal. We made red beans & rice with the smoked sausage, jambalaya with pork and chicken, mac & cheese, cornbread, and desserts for days. We never lost power or satellite signal, PRAISE GOD!!! The snow was so gorgeous. It wasn't like normal, it had a layer of ice about an inch thick on top of the snow. This made the snow sparkle all different irrodescent colors. People would ice skate in their driveways and on the streets. They would feature these people on 11 Alive. There's still snow in the medians and along the sides of the streets, as well as on rooftops.
I can't tell it as good as Megan McGlover, so I'll let her handle it from here.
Check her out: Peace