Last Saturday we were out and about, and Greg found these. He surprised Kirsten and me with them during our "I'm hungry..." whine. You know the one that follows the purchase of a beverage that satisfies the, "I'm thirsty..." whine. As we opened the bag and started to devour them, Greg told Kirsten about how my Mamaw used to give this candy to me when I was a little girl. It was so sweet how Kirsten was all ears as I told her about it. She had questions like, "Mommy, did my Grandma eat these?" and "Mommy, Grandma doesn't share these with me." Where my response was "I don't remember your Grandma ever eating these," and "If she doesn't give you any, she may not eat them."
They're so good, but best when refrigerated.

This is my other favorite thing to eat...Special K Chocolatey Delight. So yummy, and it's better for you than a bowl of ice cream. I know, I need to add more fruit and veggies to my diet. It's not that I don't like fruits and veggies, I just like peanut butter (only peter pan) and Special K (only vanilla and chocolatey delight) better.