Wow, so many updates. It's been hard to find time to blog with Kirsten out of school for the summer. I haven't really wanted to take any of my time away from her since I'm gonna have to share her again so soon with her teachers. I used to dream of time to myself, but since she started PreK (can't believe I actually typed that) I treasure all the time I have with her.
Since my last post, Greg got a promotion which we count as a blessing. Not only will this help out a lot with paying off our debt sooner, it gives Greg the opportunity to shine. He's so smart. We're so grateful that God is allowing him the opportunity to share his talents, skills and example with others. He's now the Director of Project Managers at DTI.
Father's Day didn't turn out the way I planned at all. I planned out this "dadventure" for Greg, and nothing fell into place. That's so frustrating. I told him I wanted to make it up to him and try it all again, but honestly it wouldn't be same if it wasn't of Father's Day. So maybe next year. I'm not giving away my details because they're still a surprise for Greg. We did end up going to eat, after waiting for over an hour (expected) and the kitchen messing up our order from being overwhelmed. Like I said, I hope to get a do over for his birthday. Since it isn't a nat'l holiday, I hope it can work out.
My birthday was great. Greg took off the day of my birthday and the day after. What better way to celebrate ones birthday than partaking in all the free goodies offered to the one with a birthday. We started our day off at Whitewater water park. We spend a lot of our summer at Whitewater. For lunch we stopped at Jersey Mike's for my free sub. Greg and I split a chicken salad sub while Kirsten had her usual turkey sub with cheetos. From Jersey Mike's we headed to Firehouse Subs for my free birthday sub there. So, Greg and I split a grilled chicken sub. Kirsten ordered her usual grilled cheese on sourdough, but then realized she was too full to eat after Jersey Mike's.
We booked Isabella to babysit for two date nights in a row. She's in high demand so we have to make reservations with her many weeks in advance. Greg took me shoe shopping and to Provino's for dinner. Yes, my meal was free. He also got me a pink birthday cake and blue bell birthday cake ice cream cups. My favorite.

After date night, I got to open my presents. He knows me so well....I got a pink jeweled cell phone case, and a zebra case. Greg also got me a table saw so I can exercise and express my creative side. I have to make me some jeweled safety goggles, just because I'm me.

Friday I got to sleep late and it was glorious. I got to have my coffee in bed and watch the Today show and other updates on the Casey Anthony trial. We ran errands around town all afternoon before it was time for date night #2. We went shoe shopping again and had dinner at Maggiano's at Perimeter Mall.
My inlaws came in town the weekend of the 4th of July to watch Kirsten while Greg and I ran in the Peachtree Road Race. We all went to the Peachtree Expo and hung out and ate pasta. They offered to take Kirsten back with them for the week so we could have some time to ourselves and hang out with Chi Alpha since they were in town for the week. How nice was that? I was a little hesitant at first, but was fine when we presented the idea to Kirsten and she was all about it.

Peachtree Road Race was Monday, July 4th. It's a 10K that starts at Lennox Square and runs down Peachtree Road, turns left at 10th St. and finishes in Piedmont Park. Mile 1 is a very small incline, not even noticeable. Miles 2-3 are downhill. Mile 4 is between a 7-8% incline the entire mile. It's known as Heartbreak Hill. You feel every single step. Mile 5 is flat and a little down hill in certain spots. Mile 6, I can't remember...I think I was hallucinating and running on adrenaline by that time. The .2 miles into the park seem longer than the rest of the race put together. Forget you just completed 6 miles, that's not enough. They want to squeeze another .2 out of you. If not, you don't get the t'shirt. It was 82 degrees and 70% humidity by the time we started. It was hard, ridiculous, and mean. I can't wait to do it again next year. BRING IT ON Heartbreak Hill.
Greg and I spent Monday afternoon and night with the Askews and Chi Alpha from Liberty Baptist in Hampton, VA. They performed for the Paulding Co. YDC and had dinner at the Varsity. It was so great to see Jeff and Liz and catch up with them. Chi Alpha was awesome. I loved watching them shine and share the love of Jesus with the hurting. This is a great group of kids. I could tell they were being ministered to as well as ministering to others. Being able to share in being a part of XA again for just a few days was such a blessing and honor.
So what did I do on my week off from my "job"? I cleaned my house from top to bottom. I watched the Teen Mom marathon on MTV. I got caught up on the Casey Anthony trial. I took a nap twice. I organized Kirsten's room. I did my Bible study. Greg and I made late night icee runs like we did when we were in college. I went to work with Greg one day and shopped by myself. Greg and I went to a Braves game and Stone Mtn. with Chi Alpha. I did not go to the gym this week simply because I took the week off, I can easily go to the gym with Kirsten, and I burned over 2200 cal. at the Peachtree. (not my normal weekly goal, but it's excellent for a 1 day work out) We had a date night on Friday night. We went to the Vortex and a movie. Usually we can't fit in dinner and a movie with a babysitter. It gets complicated trying to time it right. We didn't get home till about 12:45 and that's just way too late to ask Isabella to stay.
By Saturday we were missing Kirsten so much we couldn't wait to see her. We met Greg's parents in Tuscaloosa. WOW, is all I can say about the devastation there. We were seriously in awe of the damage this city has. Seeing it on tv is nothing compared to seeing it in person. I didn't go to Tuscaloosa expecting to see much if any damage. I wasn't expecting to drive through it. There was no way to avoid it. It's crazy how even the most solid structures can crumble in just a few seconds of a powerful storm. It was unbelievable. Please remember this city in your prayers. It really breaks my heart to see such devastation. I was going to take pictures and post them, but I decided not to. We've seen the pictures and the videos. Us looking at pictures doesn't help anything. Our actions after seeing the pictures is what helps. Even if all we do is pray, that's more than some will do.